Incorporated July 2006
Mission Statement
The Ohio/Kentucky Society for Bariatric Surgery (OKSBS) was organized and officially incorporated as an ASMBS State Chapter in July 2006 with the
following specific non-profit purposes:
- To advance the art and science of bariatric surgery in the states of Ohio and Kentucky through the exchange of ideas, information, and experience
through national and regional meetings, and scientific, clinical and educational exhibits and publications - To promote the ethical and quality care of the obese patient
- To pursue clinical and research experience and promote its application to the practice of bariatric surgery
- To promote professional communication in the field of bariatric surgery
- To promote partnership between healthcare providers, patients, industry and government pertaining to the care of the obese patient through medical and surgical intervention
- To do all things necessary or appropriate in order to accomplish the foregoing purposes
Executive Officers
President: Leslie Pristas, DO FACS FASMBS
Vice President: Ricard Corcelles, MD
Past Presidents: Sergio Bardaro, MD FACS DABS-FPMBS FASMBS, Christopher Daigle, MD FACS FRCSC FASMBS; Adrian Dan, MD FASMBS; C. Joe Northup, MD FASMBS; Bradley J. Needlemam, MD FASMBS
Secretary/Treasurer: Linden Karas, MD
Integrated Health Chair: Amy Laktash, APRN MSN NP-C
STAR (State Access to Care Representative Ohio): John Zografakis, MD FASMBS
STAR (State Access to Care Representative Kentucky): Joshua Steiner, MD FASMBS
IH STAR (State Access to Care Representative Ohio/Kentucky): Amy Lakash, RN, NP-C
Board Member
Sabrina Noria, MD PhD FASMBS, Education and Research Chair
Adrian Dan, MD
John Zografakis, MD
Sergio Bardaro, MD
Christopher Daigle, MD
Sergio Bardaro, MD FACS FASMBS
Chapter Meetings
No chapter meetings are scheduled at this time.
Chapter Updates
- Chapter events and noteworthy bariatric news are conveniently found on the chapter’s website.
- The future endeavors of the chapter include further expanding upon the recent accomplishments in the areas of patient advocacy, bariatric surgical training, education for integrated health professionals and research collaboration. Significant opportunity exists to facilitate such progress through enhanced local and regional organization. In order to pursue such goals and to foster membership involvement and support, the chapter will form several committees led by appointed chairs and allow members to participate in policy development and contribute in their specific area of passion and interest. These committees will include:
- Executive Planning Committee (Chaired by Chapter President)
- Insurance and Access to Care (Chaired by Chapter STAR)
- Education and CME (Chair: Sabrina Noria)
- Integrated Health Professionals (Chaired by IH Chair)
- Industry Partners (Chaired: TBD)
- COVID-19 Statewide Shutdown task force emergency meeting over Zoom to help usher individual programs through Statewide shutdown and definition of “essential” per the Governor’s orders.
- As with many other areas in the US, we did experience a period of COVID-related shutdown due to the initial COVID-19 surge and we are currently experiencing this again. The difference this time around is that there is currently no blanket, State-wide shutdown order for “non-essential” surgeries. Hospitals and regions are controlling this currently based on local surge numbers and resource limitations. We continue to help local hospitals/systems define themselves as “essential” services in the context of their unique situations.
- Our institution (Cleveland Clinic) also developed and published a protocol of reanimation of bariatric programs during the COVID-19 pandemic (Daigle CR, Augustin T, Wilson R, et al. A Structured Approach for Safely Reintroducing Bariatric Surgery in a COVID-19 Environment. Obes Surg. 2020;30(10):4159-4164. doi:10.1007/s11695-020-04733-8) and Dr. Daigle also participated in the 2-part ASMBS Webinar series addressing this very topic. This template served many programs locally.
2017-2019 Activity
- In 2019, several third party payers and insurance plans began authorizing metabolic surgical intervention for patients with type 2 diabetes and BMI between 30 and 35 Kg/m2. This has been accomplished through relentless work and efforts by immediate past president, Dr. Joseph Northup, (chapter’s STAR and chair the national ASMBS Access to Care committee) and by surgeons who advocated directly to the general public and insurance carriers about the effectiveness of metabolic surgery for diabetes.
- The 2019 annual meeting is exhibiting unprecedented numbers of registrations and support from industry. We are already considering a larger venue for next year as we expect to outgrow the current facility and accommodation.
- The chapter has instituted term duration limits (2 years) and will hold elections at the 2019 National ASMBS meeting in November of 2019.
- Several “Walk from Obesity” events are held throughout the 2 states.
- The future endeavors of the chapter include further expanding upon the recent accomplishments in the areas of patient advocacy, bariatric surgical training, education for integrated health professionals and research collaboration. Significant opportunity exists to facilitate such progress through enhanced local and regional organization.
- In order to pursue such goals and to foster membership involvement and support, the chapter will form several committees led by appointed chairs and allow members to participate in policy development and contribute in their specific area of passion and interest.
These committees will include:- Executive Planning Committee (Chaired by Chapter President)
- Insurance and Access to Care (Chaired by Chapter STAR)
- Education and CME (Chair: TBD)
- Integrated Health Professionals (Chaired by IH Chair)
- Industry Partners (Chaired: TBD)
- Chapter events and noteworthy bariatric news are conveniently found on the group’s new online home at www.ohkyasmbs.org.
- The chapter logo was re-designed to reflect the participation of our Kentucky members.
- The chapter, although initially created as the Ohio Society for Bariatric Surgery, now officially conducts business (DBA) as the Ohio and Kentucky Chapter of the ASMBS.
- Annual Events at Regional Institutions:
- 14th annual Obesity Summit (Cleveland Clinic – Dr. Phil Schauer)
- 2nd annual Akron Obesity Awareness Forum (Summa Health – Dr. Adrian Dan)
- In 2018, the most notable recent accomplishment of the chapter has been the new inclusion of bariatric surgery benefits by several payers that now are in line with the established and widely accepted NIH criteria. This has made access to bariatric care available to thousands of patients who now can benefit from surgical therapy.
- In 2018, the annual chapter meeting enjoyed a revitalization with a robust attendance by surgeons, physicians, IH professionals and industry representatives.
- ObesityWeek 2017 – State Chapter Rally
2016 Activity
- Caresource Advocacy
- Meeting continually with Caresource, one of the managed care plans in region
- Currently with 9 month preop diet and BMI of 50 requirements for bariatric surgery, unless “uncontrolled co-morbidities”
- Meetings to this point going well and should see policy change 1/1/17
2015 Activity
- Currently integrating the Kentucky chapter and reorganizing
- The state of Kentucky will be joining the Ohio Society for Bariatric Surgery (OSBS)
- Arranging dinner for ASMBS November
Support Groups
- Most of the 50 MBSAQIP accredited programs hold support groups on a monthly basis throughout the 2 states.