Incorporated June 2008
Mission Statement
The Michigan Bariatric Society’s vision is to improve public health by improving the management of obesity and metabolic disease by:
- Interchanging ideas, information and experience pertaining to metabolic and bariatric surgery.
- Fostering educational programs for physicians, integrated health personnel and the community at large.
- Establishing and promoting guidelines for patient selection and care.
- Promoting improved perioperative and long-term care of patients and the reduction of patient risk.
- Encouraging its members to pursue investigations both in the clinic and laboratory setting.
- Promoting outcome studies and quality assurance.
Our membership includes bariatric surgeons, non-surgeon physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychologists, nurses, dietitians, diabetes educators, office staff, hospital personnel and others.
Join the Michigan Bariatric Society and make a strong statement for leadership and patient advocacy.
Executive Officers
President: Jon Schram, MD
Vice President: Open
Treasurer: Nabeel Obeid, MD
Secretary: Amy Somerset, MD
Integrated Health Chair: Rachel Blind, NP-BC CBN
Integrated Health Co-Chair: Tracey Hannan, RNFA
Past Presidents: Oliver Varban, MD FASMBS, David Chengelis, MD, Jeffrey Genaw, MD FACS FASMBS, Carl Pesta, DO FASMBS, Jamie Foote, MD, Matthew Weiner, MD, Wayne English, MD FAC FASMBS, Stuart Verseman, MD, Arthur Carlin, MD FASMBS, Randal Baker, MD
STARs (State Access to Care Representative): Amy Somerset, MD & Michael Wood, MD
IH STAR (State Access to Care Representative): Colleen Buda, PA-C CSOWM
Executive Director: Carrie Steffen
Board of Directors
Amanda Stricklen, RN MS
Rachel Ross, RN MS
Mandy Pate, RN
Colleen Buda, PA-C CSOWM
Michael Wood, MD MS FACS
Michigan State Chapter of the ASMBS
200 Ottawa Ave. N.W. Suite 1000
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Chapter Meetings
No chapter meetings are scheduled at this time.
Chapter Updates
Please see the Chapter’s Website
2016 Activities
- State Chapter President, Dr. Jeffrey Genaw, gave presentation at Obesity Week-End 2016
- Prior State Chapter President, Dr. Carl pesta, did live video surgery for Obesity Week-End 2016
- Continued efforts at Reducing Sugar Drinks in Hospitals
- Membership continues to participate actively in the MBSC meetings to help with best practices and Quality Initiatives; most Chapter Board members participate in the Coaching and Mentoring Project
- Beginning work on addressing denials from insurance companies with 6-12 month preoperative weight loss requirements; this will be done in conjunction with National Office
- We are planning on hosting Obesity/Metabolic Surgery Awareness Event (Walks or other) next year
2015 Activities
- Access to Care discussions – ACA and bariatric coverage for Michigan
- In collaboration with MBSC, lobbied BCBS of Michigan to unbundle lap band removal with revision procedures (BCBS, previously not paying for removal of band and port if converting to another procedure; now will pay separate)
- Hospital Sugar drink reduction project – Lead surgeon Matt Weiner, MD
Advocacy Information
Support Groups
Most if not all MBS programs have support groups; some are closed to site patients only, but others are open.